Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sweet Llama and Tender Poncho

SO MUCH. Ahhh so much has happened! Everyone is like "o.m.g, you like, totes need to update your blog" and here is my face:

SO yeah. There is a lot on the plate for two high school seniors.
Perhaps not as much as the plate of a 35 year old mother of 4.
Or a 17 year old mother of 1.
Or a brain surgeon with marital issues.
But I think my stress is valid. I mean... who's to say it's not? Oh... you are saying it's not? Well stop reading my blog mutha fucka. (Clara had nothing to do with the swearing, it's all on me, for the record.)

Ok, sorry. Here's what happening:
I have homework, looming performances, college apps, senior project, and HELLA SPIDERS ALL OVER MY ROOM. Not like, all at once. It started off slow, one... then a week later, another. This week has been the mother load, an average of 1.3 spiders a day. (Monday it was 0, yesterday was 2... stats are weird.) They just really stress me out, because... I mean, I don't WANT to kill them. But... they can't just run rampant all over my room. I'm pretty sure they want to eat me! I'm also pretty sure that they are actually some wizard's animagus, and I don't fancy squashing the next Minister of Magic because he's stopping in on his way to some conference (with the mayor of Tacoma?) and he just so happened to stop into the dungeon.

The dungeon is quite toasty now that I have mastered my little space heater. The walls are decorated, my clothes litter the floor, incense is periodically lit.... and spiders are shitting on my parade. I can't sleep at night, in my nice-smelling, wonderfully-messy, personally decorated, toasty warm dungeon! And that, my friends, is what we call a PROBLEM.

On a completely different note:
Clara and I have stumbled upon pet names for each other. We were napping the other day... and she felt the urge not to call me by my given name (Hannah), and has now christened me: Llama.
And I have dubbed her Poncho. So now, in the blog, I think we will be referring to each other as such from this point on... so. yeah.

Aaaaaaaannnnnnnd. I feel like I'm rambling, but at the same time I have a lot to say about a lot of things. Poncho has just suggested that we go eat pot-stickers (we haven't eaten a proper dinner, and its almost 11pm) and I think I have to agree. A more coherent blog is in the near future, enjoy the cray cray while its still laughable.

Yibbsy Out.

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