Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy Sunday Kids! Its me, Hannah. 

For those of you readers that didn't know, I have three younger siblings. Harper is 14, and Flynn and Turner are 12 (this means that they are twins. No they are not identical, one is a girl, and one is a boy.) Clara gets to hear about them all the time. I talk about them a lot. So to keep you all in the loop, I'm doing a post about them.

This is chronicle of questions that have been asked of me as the eldest sibling, and my responses.

Harper (age 9)- Do you wear a bra?
Me (age 12)- Duh. Its called a training bra. Don't look at me when I change!

Flynn (age 7 or 8)- Hannah! (whisper giggling) Are you J-A-Y? (teeheehee!)
Hannah (age 12 or 13)- What? Maybe.. huh?
Flynn- Haha! Your gay!
Hannah- What? No, you spelled j-a-y. Jay. I'm not gay or jay. Stop being dumb!
Flynn- Teeheehee hahahaha!! Hannah's gay!
Hannah- Ugh. You don't know what your talking about.

(for the record, I have nothing against being gay, nor did I when I was 13. Its hard to totally support LGBT lifestyles and not sound gay to your 8 year old sister.)

Harper (age 12)- Do you make out with boys?
Hannah (age 15)- No.
Harper- Liar! Gross! You do!
Hannah- No I don't! You don't know anything!

All of my siblings at one point or another: Are any of your friends gay? Do you have gay friends?
Hannah: Yes... why?
All: ... I dunno...

Turner (age 11)- Do your friends do drugs?
Hannah (age 16)- Some of them, yeah.
Turner- Woah. Are they pot-heads? They're going to die.
Hannah- You don't know what your talking about. No they aren't.

Flynn (age 12)- Would you ever do medical marijuana?
Hannah (age 17)- Sure. If I had a green card. Its nbd. I'd totally try it!
Harper (are 14)- OMG! You're going to go to jail! I'm telling mom and dad!
Hannah- No, if you have a green card its legal. Pot should be legal anyways, its not that bad. It's safer than cigarettes and alcohol.

(The best part about this one is that Flynn was playing with this recorder, and totally taped me saying all this ON ACCIDENT. She wasn't even trying! She didn't know how to work the thing. Mom and Dad thought it was hilarious, btws.)

Harper (age 14)- Do your friends peer-pressure you into doing drugs?
Hannah (age 17)- Someone is taking freshman health class. And no, they don't.
Harper- But all your friends do drugs.
Hannah- No, a few of my friends occasionally participate in drug-like behavior. And they don't pressure me. They offer, but that's polite. Its like, weed-etiquette. Just because someone offer's you drugs doesn't mean they are pressuring you.

All of my siblings at one point or another: Do you (teeheehee!) do you watch... PORN?!? (giggles)
Hannah: No. Its gross. Why would I want to pay to watch people have sex?
All: EWWW! that's gross! You totally watch porn!! I'm telling Mom and Dad!! (hahahahaha!!)
Hannah: SHUT UP! You don't know anything!

Clara hears all this and more. Now you have all tasted the little slice of heaven I live with when I'm not rooming with the Poncho.

Llama out.

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