Sunday, December 11, 2011

Happy Chrismachanakwanza-time!!

Hello dear friends. Terribly sorry about the lack of bloggage of late. Dear Hannah and I have been slowly picking our ways out from beneath the giant pile of shit that is senior year. Here's what we look like right now:

Almost a month ago now we saw Noah & the Whale in Seattle. I expected it to be really mellow and nice, but it was loud and AWESOME! And it looked sorta like this:

And that was great. I'm having trouble formulating so here is a nice list for you.
  1. Hannah applied to Pacific and PSU!
  2. I applied to all 5 of my schools and submitted a pre-screen to the USC songwriting program
  3. I learned to use a nifty knitter
  4. I am now making hats for everyone I know
  5. Hannah and I both read When Heaven and Earth Changed Places
  6. Based on number five it is needless to say that we've spent the subsequent weeks very depressed
  7. There was a lot of working social time
  8. I learned to love members of the junior and sophomore classes
  9. There have been a lot of performances that we've either attended or been in
  10. Brownies have been consumed....along with carbs of all kinds...we don't discriminate
  11. Hannah and I both wrote songs, and performed them
  12. Someone made me the best mix cd I've ever gotten
The two of us are jolly as can be. Except not. We're actually just sleep deprived and are therefore tricked into false phases of euphoria to cope. Oh, our school was in the newspaper. It's pretty fabulous.
Okie doke, it's time for some shout-outs:

Ellie Fox--you're phenomenal and stunning and we love you. He fake cries but cries on bike rides.
Rosie Koppelman--you are a new friend to me and I love you. You're rad. And a great pirate.
Demi Glidden--oh my Swede. Ne'er have I loved a leggy blonde like you. 
Piper Foulon--I wrote you a song. And right now I envision Lord Lollipop as the accompanying minstrel.
Laurel Garrett--you're dating someone. good for you. But actually I love you. Sorry we're so goddamn bitter.
Barbara Sanchez--you light up my life. I adore dancing and singing with you. EVERYWHERE.
Nick Vargish--I want to congratulate you again on closing. Also you're a great volvo owning man.
Jordan Hightower--thanks for helping Hannah with her senior project. We adore you.
And to Clay Snell, Levi Gostelli, Adam Caswell, Livey Beha, Cody Kissner, Skyler Osler, Ian Jury, David Pierce, Mitchell Babbington, Alex Williams, and Shoshona Glickman for restoring our faith in underclassmen.
And to all the marvelous staff at our majestic arts school who put up with us every single day.

To close I would like to say that I hope your Christmas is cold, and wintery like this:

As opposed to deserty and not cold like mine will be.
damn you Arizona.

Well, happy holidays of all varieties, religions, etc. Enjoy the imminent winter solstice and take some time to snuggle down with your buds until the next post.

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