Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Briefest of Updates

This is gonna be a quick one because I am currently up to my perfectly formed eyeballs in essay writing.

So much has taken place in the past week.

  • Hannah and I went to Seattle with some dear friends of ours and enjoyed good coffee, good music and an all around good time. That was a big Yay!
  • I finished, and turned in, my senior project application. Even bigger YAY!
  • I performed my first song of the year. That one is on par with the previous YAY!
  • People graciously complimented me on said song and I was asked repeatedly to perform it again. In this matter I am utterly flattered and also a bit nervous that if you continue to love my creative work I might awaken one morning to find a compliment from myself. It might read: Clara--you got it goin on. Keep writing sweet melodies. --Clara. This would be supremely unhealthy. Hubris is not good for a poncho, they  start getting all huge and hairy. Have you ever seen a hairy poncho? Keep it that way.
  • Oh, and I was in attendance at a magnificent sweater party. YIPPEEE!
  • Plus, there was a SOTA showcase downtown yesterday. The audience for which was not entirely comprised of SOTA affiliates. Triple YIP!

And on that note:

  1. Roswell--you-re always wonderful
  2. Gina--your voice gets stronger everyday
  3. Riley--I had no idea
  4. and Bucky Virginia--you guys have some serious chops. Nicely done!

Dear god I need to join a band.
Alright, it is time for me to exit the world of cyber word vomit and reenter the realm of my Vietnam War paper. Alas...
Sincerely, Yibbsy

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