Sunday, October 30, 2011

Llama's Super Hilarious, Tickle-Your-Funny-Bone, LOL Playlist

Here are some funny things that I think are funny. This playlist is rated unsuitable for uppity folk and young children. Especially uppity folk with children.

So... yeah. This is a summary of my sense of humor.

Llama out.

Poncho Playlists the 60s

Oh the 60s....never have I loved a musical decade more.
This could get long.....

1. All Day and All of the Night by The Kinks
2. Hi Ho Silver Lining by Jeff Beck
3. My Generation by The Who
4. With A Girl Like You by The Troggs
5. Sunny Afternoon by The Kinks
6. I Saw Her Standing There by The Beatles
7. Girl From the North Country by Bob Dylan
8. She Said She Said by The Beatles
9. Don't Think Twice It's All Right by Bob Dylan
10. Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones
11. You Can't Hurry Love by The Supremes
12. Build Me Up Buttercup by The Foundations
13. The House of the Rising Sun by The Animals
14. Mrs. Robinson by Simon & Garfunkel
15. The Needle and the Damage Done by Neil Young
16. California Dreamin' by The Mamas & The Papas
17. Sweet Thing by Van Morrison
18. The Letter by The Box Tops

Poncho Playlists the 90s

These are a few of my favorite ditties from the decade of my birth.
In no particular order:

1. Semi-Charmed Life by Third Eye Blind
2. You Oughta Know by Alanis Morissette
3. Lithium by Nirvana
4. Criminal by Fiona Apple
5. My Name Is Jonas by Weezer
6. One Week by Barenaked Ladies
7. F.N.T. by Semisonic
8. Napolean (Re-recorded Version) by Ani DiFranco
9. Celebrity Skin by Hole
10. New World by Leroy

Much Love,

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Poncho Returns to NYC

Before I can go any further I must say right now:this has been one of the best weekends of my life! Also, I apologize for the potential length of this blog. I have a lot to say and some photos to share. Bear with me....things could get interesting.

This weekend was the longest period of time I have spent away from my sweet llama since she moved in; a time made longer by the fact that we were on opposite ends of the country. It was nonetheless a fantastic trip! My darling Tyler and I embarked on a whirlwind of college scouting goodness in the one, the only, New York City. What a man. And what a weekend it was.

We were getting ready by 4:45 am and at the airport by 6:15, and while I can put on the excellent show of hopping out of bed to get the alarm, I can assure you that it takes all my concentration to be that perky and alert at that hour. *Pat on back for me* The plane was like any other. Although it was made much more entertaining by reading Tina Fey's Bossypants and observing the uber-Gaga fan sitting next to me. He was all decked out in her T-shirt, and earbuds and blasting her music the entire flight. I have to say though, nothing was more entertaining than watching the Rachel Zoe Project with no sound. Let me take this moment of vanity and tell you: my dialougue is much better than the real thing.
Upon arriving at JFK my mother attempted photo documentation. You will never see these photos as I have made it my mission in life to destroy all evidence of those atrocious photos. I'm gonna be looking for a new mission in life pretty damn soon.
Our beautiful, spunky, and marvelous host Paula welcomed us to her Brooklyn abode and made eight of the most magically delectable pizzas mine mouth hath ever devoured. For reals.

We were out of the house by 8:45 and off to the F train. After a marvelous encounter with the wonders of the New York Subway system, we were in the Upper West Side and just sliding into our appointment at Fordham University at Lincoln Center. Let me just say that those dorms were GIGANTIC!!!!!!!! If you want to live apartment style with a view on the Upper West Side as a freshman this is your school. It was a pretty sweet fucking deal. Excuse my brief foray into the land of profane speech. It's been known to happen on occasion. We left that center of Jesuit learning for Lincoln Center where we were once again pulled into a photo-op but this time I have no trouble sharing it with you. We came out looking a little like this
And all of the above was quickly followed up by a stroll in Central Park where we proceeded to be documented in ways that wound up looking like this
And then we journeyed to Jersey where we enjoyed some quality time with my triplet cousins and made some magical homemade pasta. 

Oh boyo! The day of all days! The day my college seeking heart found a home! NYU is my mecca. At least for (hopefully) the next four years. It's time to start brainstorming potential bank jobs. I'm gonna need as much financial support as possible and let's face it: FAFSA will be no help. Maybe I could get celebrities to sponsor my cause and throw a charity night in my honor. Or I could just resort to claiming I'm a questioning youth. My personal statement would go something like this--
"I just don't know who I am. I look at girls and I think they're pretty, but then I look at
boys and think the same thing! I can't make up my mind. I need a safe and
accepting environment to discover the nether-regions of my sexuality."
To illustrate our time at NYU I have put together a photo story. See below.

and this day culminated in yet another photo story in the loft where I was sleeping. We tried to be hipsters but that failed and we reverted to our true personalities.

Sweet baby jesus this turned out to be long. Sorry. Hope you enjoyed my brief brag session about NYC!!!!!!!!!
Sincerely, Poncho

Thursday, October 20, 2011

10 things, 7 thing, 5 things, 2 things

Here are some lists.

10 Countries I'm Dying To Visit:
3)Korea (the nice one, not the scary one)
6)New Zealand
7)Papua New Guinea
10) The Moon.

7 Things I Like to Eat
1) Daaaaaaaaaark Chocolate (White chocolate is a sad excuse for chocolate. I am of the opinion that it doesn't even deserve to be called chocolate.)
2) Curry
3) French Bread
4) Cherries (Especially Rainier Cherries!!!)
5) Cheese
6) Sandwiches with potato chips in them
7) Bacon

5 People I am NOT Fond of:
1) Dino Rossi
2) My 9th grade geometry teacher
3) John Wilkes Booth
4) E.T.
5) This lady who was mean to my brother a lot when he was in school.

2 Things I Am Not Good At:
1) Math
2) Feeling Pity

Those were good lists, huh?

(The Llama)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Llama's List of Listens

Poncho is my inspiration. I have been in a weird mood lately, and have been listening to a lot of music that I liked when I was 12-15. I go through a lot of different fazes. This playlist is a nice little sample of my mood over the past two or three weeks. It's some old stuff, and some new stuff.

1.All These Things That I've Done- The Killers
2. Immigrant Song- Led Zeppelin
3.Touch Me- The Doors
4.Back In Black- AC/DC
5.Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'- Journey
6.Cry Baby- Janis Joplin
7. Happiness is A Warm Gun- Across the Universe Version
8.You Don't Know What Love Is [You Just Do As Your Told] - the White Stripes
9.Jolene- Laura Marling and Mumford and Sons
10.Gone Gone Gone- Robert Plant and Allison Krauss
11. Bad Sun (Moon Version)- The Bravery
12.Break On Through (To the Other Side)- The Doors
13.300 M.P.H. Torrential Outpour Blues
14.I Can't Stay- The Killers
15.I Found A Boy- ADELE

Ok. So... my playlist is REALLY bizarre compared to Clara's... But these playlists complement each other in a really odd way. It's the Magic of Yibbsy!


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Poncho's Playlist

Hello my faithful readership. First off, I love you. Thanks for coming back yet again.
Tonight I am sitting with my lovely friend Fox (alright, alright she's actually my spirit fiancee) and we have been basking in some musical magic. So I've compiled the following playlist for you all.

1. The Water-Johnny Flynn Feat. Laura Marling
2. If Ya Wanna-The Vaccines
3. Can You Tell-Ra Ra Riot
4. Hold My Hand As I'm Lowered-Noah & the Whale
5. Mimizan-Beirut
6. She Said She Said-The Beatles
7. Cecilia-Simon & Garfunkel
8. Ohio-Neil Young
9. Coast of Carolina-Telekinesis
10. White Blank Page-Mumford and Sons
11. All My Rage-Laura Marling
12. Helplessness Blues-Fleet Foxes
13. Harsh Realm-Widowspeak
14. Next Girl-The Black Keys
15. I And Love And You-The Avett Brothers

And that's all I can muster tonight. But hopefully you love this handful of my favorite tunes....more to come!
Poncho (Clara)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Briefest of Updates

This is gonna be a quick one because I am currently up to my perfectly formed eyeballs in essay writing.

So much has taken place in the past week.

  • Hannah and I went to Seattle with some dear friends of ours and enjoyed good coffee, good music and an all around good time. That was a big Yay!
  • I finished, and turned in, my senior project application. Even bigger YAY!
  • I performed my first song of the year. That one is on par with the previous YAY!
  • People graciously complimented me on said song and I was asked repeatedly to perform it again. In this matter I am utterly flattered and also a bit nervous that if you continue to love my creative work I might awaken one morning to find a compliment from myself. It might read: Clara--you got it goin on. Keep writing sweet melodies. --Clara. This would be supremely unhealthy. Hubris is not good for a poncho, they  start getting all huge and hairy. Have you ever seen a hairy poncho? Keep it that way.
  • Oh, and I was in attendance at a magnificent sweater party. YIPPEEE!
  • Plus, there was a SOTA showcase downtown yesterday. The audience for which was not entirely comprised of SOTA affiliates. Triple YIP!

And on that note:

  1. Roswell--you-re always wonderful
  2. Gina--your voice gets stronger everyday
  3. Riley--I had no idea
  4. and Bucky Virginia--you guys have some serious chops. Nicely done!

Dear god I need to join a band.
Alright, it is time for me to exit the world of cyber word vomit and reenter the realm of my Vietnam War paper. Alas...
Sincerely, Yibbsy

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sweet Llama and Tender Poncho

SO MUCH. Ahhh so much has happened! Everyone is like "o.m.g, you like, totes need to update your blog" and here is my face:

SO yeah. There is a lot on the plate for two high school seniors.
Perhaps not as much as the plate of a 35 year old mother of 4.
Or a 17 year old mother of 1.
Or a brain surgeon with marital issues.
But I think my stress is valid. I mean... who's to say it's not? Oh... you are saying it's not? Well stop reading my blog mutha fucka. (Clara had nothing to do with the swearing, it's all on me, for the record.)

Ok, sorry. Here's what happening:
I have homework, looming performances, college apps, senior project, and HELLA SPIDERS ALL OVER MY ROOM. Not like, all at once. It started off slow, one... then a week later, another. This week has been the mother load, an average of 1.3 spiders a day. (Monday it was 0, yesterday was 2... stats are weird.) They just really stress me out, because... I mean, I don't WANT to kill them. But... they can't just run rampant all over my room. I'm pretty sure they want to eat me! I'm also pretty sure that they are actually some wizard's animagus, and I don't fancy squashing the next Minister of Magic because he's stopping in on his way to some conference (with the mayor of Tacoma?) and he just so happened to stop into the dungeon.

The dungeon is quite toasty now that I have mastered my little space heater. The walls are decorated, my clothes litter the floor, incense is periodically lit.... and spiders are shitting on my parade. I can't sleep at night, in my nice-smelling, wonderfully-messy, personally decorated, toasty warm dungeon! And that, my friends, is what we call a PROBLEM.

On a completely different note:
Clara and I have stumbled upon pet names for each other. We were napping the other day... and she felt the urge not to call me by my given name (Hannah), and has now christened me: Llama.
And I have dubbed her Poncho. So now, in the blog, I think we will be referring to each other as such from this point on... so. yeah.

Aaaaaaaannnnnnnd. I feel like I'm rambling, but at the same time I have a lot to say about a lot of things. Poncho has just suggested that we go eat pot-stickers (we haven't eaten a proper dinner, and its almost 11pm) and I think I have to agree. A more coherent blog is in the near future, enjoy the cray cray while its still laughable.

Yibbsy Out.