Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wish List

Today is the last day before we FINALLY get out for break. We have yet to write a wishlist, we have been consumed by essays and literary analysissisis and other school final-y things. So, as we finally wind down and prepare our selves for the festivities, we can think a little about what we want to do, not what we need to get done. Here is our holiday wish-list (eh hem hem... mom and dad) for this year!

1) Whirled Peas
2) The withdrawal of troops from Afganistan (Oh wait, that just happened! Thanks Santa! Or... Obama. Same diff.)
3)Smart Wool Socks
4) Unlimited iTunes spending
5) For Anthropology to magically be affordable (by either us winning the lottery, or them lowering their prices. Either of these scenarios will be acceptable).
6) A hot date. Heated to 97-99 degrees preferably.
7) No homework ever again!
8) A new, giant, super-mega-snuggly sweater.
9) Health care fo 'erry body!
10) Llama specific: A giant claw-foot bathtub and a wing-back chair.
11) Poncho specific: acceptance to NYU and full ride scholarship (that shits EXPENSIVE!)
12) No depression on December 26th (it's the worst day of the year, because the next Christmas is a whole year away.)
13) That house boat from Sleepless in Seattle
14) Yarn (yeah, we're both hella crafty)
15) A puppy!
16) A baby (please include the gift receipt, we only want it for day or two)
17) Cute things that make us explode with cuteness.
18) Cool books about cool people (maybe with some cool pictures) so we can keep being so cool.
19) Candy, cookies, cakes, potatoes, bread, tasty things.
20) And most of all, we want to have a really nice Christmas this year. It's our last Christmas as "kids". Next year we will be 18, and in the middle of our first year at College. Yes, Christmas has lost some of its magic (I no longer throw carrots on my lawn for the reindeer, I hope they don't mind...) but its a time for family and friends, and we want to get the most out of this one. For this year we will be given the gift of adult-hood. And I can't really decide if I want that gift yet or not. Sometimes I do, and some times I want to stay up trying to hear the sleigh bells ring as they slide onto my roof on Christmas eve. In any case, this will be a merry Christmas. We can tell, trust us.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
Llama and Poncho