Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas With Cacti

Hello all! I do hope this blog finds you enjoying your Christmas eve with awesome people and awesome (most likely artery clogging) foods of various types. And if Christmas is not your winter celebration of choice then I hope your other festivities are going well.

I am spending Christmas in southern Arizona, known to me as the moon, and to others as land of drug running and retirement communities. I would like to say now that all of these titles are accurate in their own ways. Basically it's a whole lotta nothin. Except old people. They all smell like lotion and prescriptions. Bt they're still pretty cool folks. Just not quite as upbeat as all of you, our fabulous young readership.

There is one good thing about this predicament I'm in however: the view. I've tried to capture it for you below but wouldn't you know it, iPads don't have telephoto capabilities. Still, it'll give you the general idea.
Never mind...apparently iPads also don't let you upload photos from themselves onto blogger. Someday I will get it up here.

I would like to take a moment to mention a few lovely people whom we neglected to mention in our shout-out post, chief among them are Spencer Towler, North Foulon, etc. We're terribly silly and can't believe we left you out. You guys are magical and we greatly appreciate your presence in our lives.

Oh one other positive thing about much songwriting time. It's extremely therapeutic. Except that I caved and wrote a song about love. I must now find the nearest rattlesnake hovel and stick my head into it until my usual practical non-love inclined sensibilities come back to me. Until then I can only leave you with intrigue a to the nature of this ditty.

Alas! I've mastered the iPad! So here is a photo of the surroundings I find myself in and I hope that you are equally appreciative of your own wherever they may be. Happy solstice and

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