Sunday, September 25, 2011

Welcome to Boys Over Flowers

Hannah introduced me to Korean drama the first day she was here, but it has taken nearly a month for me to actually watch it. The show: Boys Over Flowers. It's latest victim: Me.

I am ashamed to admit that I spent most of the past 24 hours locked away in the boudoir and clicking the "next episode" button on the hour. Though F4 seems to experience more drama in a day than I have in a lifetime, my pull to the soap is it's comedy. Which I think is unintentional...

There's the three Korean pop songs that are played over and over again throughout each episode--comparable to shmaltzy elevator muzak but in Korean...with the occasional "you smile" in English. Oh and then there's the lovely sound effects, like the thumping of a heart whenever Goo JoonPyo or JiHoo see Geom JanDi, or the BOING when someone's eyes open. But the real kicker is the upscale Korean menswear. Never in my life have I seen such frilly outerwear! Not an episode goes by without some new, atrocious, fur covered, floor length, exceedingly feminine piece of fashion.

But still I keep watching. I can't decide if JanDi belongs with JoonPyo or JiHoo, or if Song WooBin's random sojourns into American "gangsta" English are hilarious or mortifying. And one more thing...If So YiJung and GaEul don't realize they're madly in like with each other soon, I may have a conniption.

That damn Hannah Hibbs got me hooked. This is serious. I'm going to need rehabilitation.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The 9th Date

3rd week. 21st of September

Our school district is currently on Strike. For the 8th day. This blog (at least right now) isn't about being political, so for now our opinions on such matters will not be discussed. This post is about a date. A date we went on because the mood simply called for it, because we didn't have school and a general lack of a schedule.

At noon this morning, when I (Hannah) awoke, I stumbled up from the dungeon into Clara's boudoir to talk of the day's events. We made a trip into downtown Tacoma to look at yarn shop and treat ourselves to a Pumpkin Spice Latte. If you have never indulged in a Pumpkin Spice, you really should. Its like magic. We came home, clipped pics from our fall issues of various fashion magazines and chatted about how we would dress if we had buckets of money lying around. I brought up the idea of eating Indian for dinner and it was quickly decided that we would go out that night (which at that point really was only an hour or two away, for I had woken at noon if you recall...).

Eyeshadow was applied and lipstick was carefully smeared. Shabby shoes were slipped on, and we were off. Upon arriving at Indian Mahal on 19th we were kindly offed an alcoholic beverage, which we declined and then giggled about once the kind gentleman had walked back into the kitchen. We dined on  scrumptious samosas, chicken curry with basmati and sumptuous garlic naan whilst sipping on steamy chai tea. However, the food was not the best part of this evening. The kicker wasn't even that our sever definitely assumed we were on a date. For me, it was that I was "the dude".

I was looked to to order, to pay the bill, I was given the take out box and was asked all the questions concerning our patronage. Upon sharing my discovery with Clara, she promptly burt into laughter. We passed some sultry looks and quips, and soon it was agreed upon that if this were a date, it would be the 9th one. We were acting much too comfortably for it to be the first or second. We must also have been co-workers or something of that nature simply because we know far too many of the same folk. So there you have it. We are now lovers.

This date was the impetus for the blog. The rhyme that gave us reason. This curry laden date will go down in our friendship's history as "The 9th Date". I'm sure our future children (who will be smart, funny, and gorgeous, just like us) will hear of it every thanksgiving round the table. Some of you reading this may ask "Are you two really so naive that you should think that after you graduate high school and start real life you will still be in touch?" To that, I answer: Yes. True love knows no bounds.

Yibbsy Out.

This is....

This is a story from a senior year. It will be epic. You may laugh, you may even cry. Lord Knows, we will.

Introductions are in order.
Clara: Age 17, senior in highschool. Babe. In addition to rockin some cello, she is also a prime songwriter. In the first few weeks of living with her and her family, it became clear it was meant to be. We both love the same food and hate the same people. (Yes, we're haters. Active ones at that.) Through this blog, she hopes to entertain not only herself, but perhaps a few others as well. But mostly this is a selfish venture.
Hannah: Also age 17, senior in high school. Tall but never tall enough. Lover of all things comedic, fashionable and food related. After a mere two weeks of cohabitation, she has quickly become immersed in domestic life. Our connection is cosmic, and will not be suppressed. An unnamed party once asked "Do you guys just love each other?" The answer is Ja Dahling!

Stay tuned as we venture into the nether regions of friendship, housemate life, and all else that could occur in the making of Yibbsy: A Love Story.